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The Saranam Burial Society is a collaboration of friends committed to helping each other with end-of-life and post-death wishes. We support traditions of simple burial and community care. In addition, we encourage informed, planned, inexpensive, and self-directed arrangements. Saranam also offers a cemetery which follows green burial practices.  


We have compiled information on the relevant legal issues in West Virginia, and developed some simple forms to ensure self-directed care for each other after death. We invite you to utilize our library of resources.  

For more information or to schedule a time to see the cemetery, please contact us

Saranam cemetery.jpg


Saranam Burial Society


A non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization

committed to spreading mindfulness, love, and compassion through our dedicated practice and services.




Montrose, WV 26283


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Below is a calendar of our upcoming events and reservations. Please give it a few minutes to load. Notes: 1. "Personal Retreat" indicates that a person has reserved space for that time period; however, others may also reserve space at the same time. 2. "Private Group Retreat" indicates that a group has reserved the space for that time period and the event is not open to the public. Events that are open will be posted below the calendar. To learn more about our events and RSVP, please scroll down. 

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